'Mom-Approved' Safety & Community First

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Fun is Spontaneous: Building it should be anything but. That’s where 35 years of quality and experience come into play. Every Kraftsman project starts with a thoughtful and thorough plan that factors in age groups, design environment, materials, and your community to deliver the safest possible play space.

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Age Matters: Different age groups have different safety needs. We strategically separate our equipment based on intended age group to make sure everyone can enjoy our playgrounds to the fullest without risk of injury.

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The Right Stuff: 79% of all playground injuries involve falls. That’s why we source and supply only the safest surfacing materials so you can watch your kids swing, jump, and explore with comfort and confidence.

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Built to Last: Even the best products need a little extra care sometimes. To ensure that safety withstands the test of time, we establish a thoughtful system of repairs and inspections to keep things working the way they should.

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Meeting Everyone’s Needs: Every child is special and deserves to play safely and securely. Kraftsman offers a full range of products designed to help children with special needs enjoy outdoor spaces without risking injury.

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