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The Fun Builders
Commercial Playgrounds & Water Parks

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Kraftsman Commercial Playgrounds Skate Park Systems
Playground Themes
Kraftsman - The Fun Builders!

Designing the Ultimate Skate Park

Skate Parks – they’re proven to be a positive way to keep kids out of trouble, pull them off the couch and get the adrenaline pumping! They’re an excellent place for socializing, and are the edgy advocate for a healthy, active lifestyle. Designing a skate park involves several key considerations

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Shades & Outdoor Play
Kraftsman - The Fun Builders!

What Size Umbrella Do I Need?

Commercial Umbrella Sizes Commercial-grade outdoor umbrellas are one the most economical choices for outdoor shade. Unlike a traditional patio umbrella, these umbrella shades become a permanent fixture within your space. What’s more, they can cover up to 575 square feet of space with the use of a single unit —

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Outdoor Fitness
Kraftsman - The Fun Builders!

Ninja Courses & Teens

Outdoor fitness is a great way to improve physical and mental health, especially for teens who spend a lot of time indoors. One of the most exciting and challenging ways to enjoy outdoor fitness is by using Ninja Courses, which are ideal for middle and high schools, as well as

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Splash Pads Requested Amenity
Splash Pad
Kraftsman - The Fun Builders!

Why Are Splash Pads the No. 1 Requested Amenity?

Splash pads are a fun, innovative way to make the most of an unused space. With the appeal of a water park at a fraction of the cost of the average swimming pool, they are becoming increasingly popular among communities that want to provide a fun and safe water play

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Wallaroo Park, Montgomery TX
Playground Themes
Kraftsman - The Fun Builders!

Top 10 Playground Trends of 2023

Playgrounds are not just places for children to have fun, but also spaces for learning, socializing, and developing skills. As playground technology and design evolve, new trends emerge that reflect the needs and preferences of children and communities. Here are some of the top 10 playground trends in 2023, featuring

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Accessible vs. Inclusive Play Environments

Designing and knowing the differences between an inclusive versus accessible playground is important for creating play spaces that are welcoming and engaging for children of all abilities. In this blog post, we will explore what these terms mean, what design elements should be included in an inclusive playground, and why

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SRP_Independence_Park_Pearland_015 copy

The Value of Combining Wear Mats With Engineered Wood Fiber

When it comes to playground surfacing, there are several key factors to consider. Safety should always be considered first and foremost, especially since the No. 1 injury on playgrounds is head injury. The right surfacing can provide the necessary cushion for those falls that are certainly bound to happen. Engineered

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Shade structure over playground
Shades & Outdoor Play

10 Spots to Add Shade or Shelter

As we go into the hottest months of the year, the Southern states especially feel the effects of the heat almost everywhere we go. Shade structures and shelters are incredible resources to help beat the heat but also protect people and their investments. Sun damage can have serious effects and

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